Family and Parents—Parent Tip Sheets

Parent Tip Sheets

Parent Tip Sheet #1—Transition to Kindergarten: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
Ayuda al Padre #1—La Transición al Kinder

Parent Tip Sheet #2—Home Is a School Zone, Too!
Ayuda al Padre #2—¡El Hogar es Una Escuela, También!

Parent Tip Sheet #3—First Steps: The Years Before Kindergarten
Ayuda al Padre #3—Primeros Paso El Año Antes de Kinder

Parent Tip Sheet #4—Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten: A Checklist for Parents and Families
Ayuda al Padre #4—Preparando a su niño para el Kinder: Una lista para los Padres y Familias

Parent Tip Sheet #5—The Importance of Reading to Your Child
Ayuda al Padre #5—La Importancia de Leerle a su Niño

Parent Tip Sheet #6—What to Expect of a Kindergartener
Ayuda al Padre #6—Que Puede Esperar de un Niño en Kinder

Parent Tip Sheet #7—Before the First Day (For the Children)
Ayuda al Padre #7— Antes del Primer Día

Parent Tip Sheet #8—Entry Requirements (How to Fulfill Them)
Ayuda al Padre #8— Requerimientos de Entrada (Como Ilenar los requisitos)

Parent Tip Sheet #9—Helpful Hints from Kindergarten Teachers (For Families of Four-year-olds)
Ayuda al Padre #9— Datos que Ayudan (Para niños de cuatro años)

Parent Tip Sheet #10—Before the First Day— Organizational Hints for Parents
Ayuda al Padre #10— Antes del Primer Día—Datos para que los padres se organicen

Parent Tip Sheet #11—Getting to School Safely
Ayuda al Padre #11— Como Llegar a la Escuela a Salvo

Parent Tip Sheet #12—The Final Days—Tips for Final Preparation and Drop-off
Ayuda al Padre #12— Los Días Finales—Últimos datos para preparación y dejar al niño en el colegio

Parent Tip Sheet #13—Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Ayuda al Padre #13— Prácticas Apropiadas para el Nivel de Desarrollo

Parent Tip Sheet #14—Communication Between Parents, Child, and Teacher
Ayuda al Padre #14— La Comunicación entre los Padres, Niños, y Maestros

Many of the Tip Sheets were adapted from previous publications of the Florida Center for Parent Involvement (FCPI), Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, at the University of South Florida. SERVE gratefully acknowledges FCPI for allowing us to continue sharing their work, even after their program is no longer operating.


Other Information for Families and Parents

School Readiness: Starting Your Child Off Right

Being an Advocate for Your Preschool Child


Other Information for Families and Parents

Books for Children
One way to help young children prepare for the transition to kindergarten is to read them books about starting school. The following list includes many of these types of books, which you can find at your local library or bookstore. If you find other helpful books that are not on our list, please use the Idea Sharing button to tell us about them so we can add them to this list. Also, ask your librarian if there are any other books he or she recommends.

Ten Ways to Participate in Your Child's Education

80 Skills to Help Ease Kids' Transition to Kindergarten
This chart reflects the results of a survey of 4,500 kindergarten teachers and represents the ideal skills at kindergarten entry. Children should not be expected to perform every skill. This just gives parents and preschool teachers a target to aim for.

Annotated Bibliography


Delaying Kindergarten Entry

Often parents and other family members question whether they should delay a child's entry into kindergarten for a year because of their child's relatively young age or lack of maturity. This is often referred to as "academic redshirting."

The links below provide the latest information on academic redshirting. The articles give many points for consideration when deciding to delay school entry for your child.

What's Wrong with Edward the Unready?

Academic Redshirting of One Kindergarten Boy

Opportunity Deferred or Opportunity Taken: An Updated look at Delaying Kindergarten Entry

Academic Redshirting and Young Children



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