Resources for
Electronic Accessibility &
Assistive Technologies
Now you can download a copy of this bookmark listing links to websites that provide information on current research,
services, products tools, and resources designed to assist educators in meeting the learning needs of individuals with disabilities. Available in Adobe PDF.
Following are links to some websites that provide information
on current research, services, products, tools, and resources
available to educators to assist them in meeting the learning
needs of individuals with disabilities.
US Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services - provides a number of links and resources supporting programs that assist in the education and rehabilitation of individuals with special needs.
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDRR) - provides a number of links and resources on disability research and related activities.
The National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) - provides a variety of resources focusing on the use of technology to enhance learning for students with sensory, cognitive, physical, and social and emotional disabilities.
The National Rehabilitation Information Center - provides online databases that include research, literature,
organizations, and other information pertaining to disability
and rehabilitation.
The CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
(NCAM) - provides information on existing and developing
technologies that create access in public broadcasting and
how these technologies can be used to make media more
accessible in schools.
National Center for Dissemination of Disability Research - provides access to disability and rehabilitation research and information, including funding opportunities, state technology assistance projects, and technology for access and function.
Center to Link Urban Schools with Information and
Support on Technology and Special Education (LINKUS) - provides information and resources on technology and special education, with emphasis on urban schools.
Alliance for Technology Access - provides information and support services on the use of assistive and information
technologies for persons with disabilities.
Generating Assistive Technology Systemically - a PT3
grantee, GENASYS provides information on assistive
technology and web accessibility particularly pertinent for
preservice educators.
CAST - perhaps best known for Bobby, the web-based tool
that analyzes websites for accessibility to persons with
disabilities, CAST also provides other resources, including
research, learning models, and tools..
World Wide Web Consortium - establishes common
protocols that promote the evolution and interoperability of the
World Wide Web, this site provides extensive resources on
WWW issues, including guidelines for ensuring website