- Planning into Practice
- As a result of SEIR*TEC's work at various school sites during the first project period, we found several valuable tools that are particularly useful in helping districts and schools create strategic educational technology plans. In chapter seven find tools to help guide you through the process of developing an evaluation plan, collect data, and analyze the results. Now available in downloadable print form Adobe PDF.
- Technology Integration Progress Gauge
- Now available online or in print format. Originally developed as a reflection tool to be used over time to determine changes in the various domains, the content has been reformatted as forty discrete statements rather than groupings of similar statements and is available in a downloadable print form Adobe PDF and in the interactive tool, Profiler, from the High Plains RTEC (formerly scrtec). Users can complete the online version for an instant assessment of their school's or district's areas of strength and to track progress over time.
Technology Project Evaluation Instrument
This evaluation instrument was collaboratively developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and SEIR*TEC as part of North Carolina's Technology Literacy Challenge Grant program. Although it was developed for a specific application, it contains principles of good practice and evaluation strategies that should be appropriate for any technology grant or school district technology program. Please feel free to adopt or adapt it to meet your needs.