Adult Literacy, Technology and Public Policy: An
Analysis of the Southeastern United States Region
- A report, based on interviews with state directors of adult literacy, identifies the ways in which states and islands in the southeast and islands are planning for, funding, and using technology in various adult learning contexts.
- Curriculum Snapshots
- This publication captures real teachers at various grade levels and within different subject areas using technology in practical and innovative ways in classroom instruction. Accessible for online viewing in Adobe PDF.
Educational Software Use: The 2000 Report
- As follow-up to the 1999 Survey, a second survey was conducted with a focus on why teachers do not use software. Accessible for online viewing in Adobe PDF.
Electronic Accessibility Bookmark
- Download a copy of this bookmark listing links to websites providing information on current research, services, products tools, and resources designed to assist educators in meeting the learning needs of individuals with disabilities. Available in Word or Adobe PDF.
Insertando la TechnologÍa en el Salón de Clases:
Una GuÍa Para Educadores
- This guide for administrators of rural school districts provides information on developing and implementing an effective educational technology plan. This Spanish translation is available in a downloadable print form Adobe PDF.
- Integrating the Internet into the Classroom and Rubrics
for Internet Use and Integration by Educators
- This document and accompanying evaluation handout contains links to valuable web pages for teaching, learning and utilizing the Internet. PDF formats.
- Integration of Technology in Pre-service Teacher
Education Programs: The Southeast and Islands
Regional Profile
- A report of a survey of teacher educators at private and public institutions of higher education in the twelve southeastern states, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands on the status of technology integration in pre-service teacher education. The over 100-page report includes previous research findings, current national guidelines and standards, as well as the methodology used, the survey instrument, and survey results.
Internet Search Card
- A handy reference tool for helping computer users conduct on-line searches of the web. Helps you determine which search engine to use and how to use it. This bookmark is also available in PDF format. To help retain clarity when copying, a black and white version is also available.
Learning Online: Extending the Meaning of Community
- This publication describes the general features of online learning communities in the adult education context and highlights three differing organizations: SeniorNet, Neighborhood Networks, and Bridging the Gap of Isolation/Powering Up.
Lessons Learned: Factors Influencing the Effective
Use of Technology for Teaching and Learning
- In this second edition, SEIR*TEC staff shed some light on the factors that influence technology adoption by sharing some of the lessons learned and observations made while providing technical assistance and professional development to resource-poor schools across the region from 1995 to 2000. Additionally, accompanying each lesson are suggested steps that educators might take in order to mover their technology programs forward and a story from one of the SEIR*TEC intensive site schools.
- News for Educators Online Now! An e-newsletter providing up-to-date information on current issues, events, and resources in educational technology. Visit this site to subscribe for automatic delivery of NEON, view archived issues, or submit an event to be announced.
- New Directions - Teacher Technology Standards
- As students increasingly are expected to use technology skillfully, teachers also must be able to meet certain expectations and to keep up with trends and developments. This updates Technology Standards for Teachers and describes how several states have implemented standards to ensure that teachers are prepared to use technology in the classroom.
- Available online and distributed to schools and educators in the SEIR*TEC region, this quarterly newsletter highlights SEIR*TEC activities and services. The staff and partners of SEIR*TEC provide updates on national, state, and local technology initiatives, pre-service education activities, book reviews, articles on current educational technology issues, and other resources
for effective technology integration.
- Online Staff Development: Lessons Learned
- This publication from SEIR*TEC partner ITRC at the University of Central Florida is designed to provide practical tips for anyone involved in online staff development, as developers, facilitators, or participants. These "lessons" have been gleaned from a thorough review of the literature and a survey sent to over 200 developers, facilitators/instructors, and participants who reviewed, validated, and critiqued the lessons.
Patterns of Promise
- In this publication discover how some educators are effectively integrating technology into classroom instruction. Accessible for online viewing in Adobe PDF.
- Planning into Practice: Resources for Planning, Implementing, and Integrating Instructional Technology
- Now available in downloadable print form Adobe PDF downloadable file. Based on previous work with SEIR*TEC intensive sites this document provides a variety of tools, examples, and stories useful in helping districts and schools create strategic educational technology plans.
- Policy Clearinghouse Website
- A website focusing on and providing links to state and other policy materials, legislative information, and contacts.
- Principal Connections: A Guide to Technology Leadership
- Principal Connections is a CD-ROM and companion Web site designed to help school leaders recognize, promote, and evaluate effective technology use in their schools.
- Review of the Professional Literature on the
Integration of Technology into Educational Programs
- SERVE has been studying promising practices for integrating technology into schools and classrooms across the Southeast. This narrative provides the highlights of the review related to the state of technology availability in American schools, barriers to technology integration, characteristics of successful programs, and factors that affect teachers use of technology.
Rights, Risks and Responsibilities:
Students and the Internet
- This report describes ways that schools across the region are educating students about appropriate and safe use of the Internet while providing the protections demanded by parents and policy-makers.
- SEIR*TEC Brochure
- The three focus areas for SEIR*TEC are leadership for technology, curriculum-based technology initiatives, and authentic professional development. Download this brochure for information about SEIR*TEC services and products. Adobe PDF.
SEIR*TEC Technology Integration Progress Gauge
- The SEIR*TEC Progress Gauge was originally developed as a reflection tool to be used over time to determine changes in the various domains. The content has been reformatted as forty discrete statements rather than groupings of similar statements and is available in a downloadable print form Adobe PDF and in an interactive tool, Profiler, from the High Plains RTEC (formerly scrtec). Users can complete the online version for an instant assessment of their school's or district's areas of strength and to track progress over time.
- Stories with Data and Data with Stories
- Many school districts are facing loud calls for proof of results from the investments and efforts in technology. Educators are searching for tools and instruments to measure and document the impact of technology, particularly microcomputers, on teaching and learning. This reprint from the April 1999 issue of T.H.E. Journal presents several approaches and tools for documenting technology impact.
- Survey of Profiling Instruments
- This chart compares the areas addressed by the SEIR*TEC Technology Integration Progress Gauge to those addressed by the Milken Seven Dimensions, the CEO Forum STAR Chart, the NCRTEC Profiling tool, the NSSE indicators, the National School Board Association's ITTE toolkit, and several others. All of these tools are useful in tracking technology implementation.
- Survey of Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs in the Southeast
- A survey instrument that was sent to the deans of all private and public institutions of higher education in the twelve southeastern states, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. The purpose was to establish baseline data on the status of technology integration
in pre-service teacher education.
- Statewide Educational Networking Trends and Issues
- A policy paper defining the trends in statewide wide area networking (WAN) including funding, management, organization, and technologies used. Intended audience: State policy makers.
- Technology Project Evaluation Instrument
- An evaluation instrument for reflecting and tracking progress in implementing a technology product. Developed in collaboration with North Carolinas Department of Public Instruction as part of
the Technology Literacy Challenge Grant program.
- Technology Standards for Teachers
- An 8-page policy brief describing the development of statewide technology competencies for teachers in sixteen southeastern states. Includes a brief description of ISTE standards, a chart of licensing requirements and technology standards in the selected states, and two state reports (Georgias InTech professional development program and North Carolinas licensing requirements).
- Technology Surveys
- A set of seven surveys designed to assess the schools technology status and stakeholders perspectives on the use of technology in teaching and learning from school faculty, students, parents, administrators, technology coordinators, and business and community members. Now available in Adobe PDF.
- Writing Winning Technology Grant Proposals
- Key elements of a training notebook originally designed to help educators write successful Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Proposals. Provides examples of good proposals, important proposal components, review criteria, and helpful hints. Developed collaboratively between SEIR*TEC and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.