Holloway High School
School Improvement Plan
SEIR*TEC Leadership Academy
Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia
July 19-23, 1999
Facilitator: Jeanne Guerrero, [email protected]
SEIR*TEC Educational Technology Specialist
Participants: Robert Blair
Ivan Duggin
Jolene Watson
Improve student performance on standardized tests, with focus on Language Arts and Mathematics, by building upon the ideas in the Holloway High School School Improvement Plan.
School Improvement Mission Statement:
The mission of Holloway High School is to empower students to achieve academically, build a sense of community, and to be productive and responsible citizens.
Criteria for Success:
- A feeling of family, trust, commitment, and open communication among administration, students, and parents.
- Sense that what happens in your class shows up in not only how I perform for you, but how I live and how my life plays out in the community improve life for ourselves, our family, and the whole.
Areas of Focus for Improvement:
Evaluation of Scores (School Improvement Committee)
- Reading List (3 books minimum)
- Homework
- Accelerated Math
- GED 2001 Learning Activity Section
- Immediate reward for Reading Challenge
- Honor roll students get 10 extra minutes each Friday for lunch
Teachers can track student reading progress using computer
Vocabulary builders
Daily journal or Work log (written or e-mail)
- Every class must incorporate into grading procedure
GED 2001 exercise component
Advisor/advisee -- follow-up for students
Staff Meeting Highlights
- Teachers share success stories every faculty meeting
- Teachers rotate responsibility of "Happy Times at Holloway High School" (HTH)
- Snacks
- Small supply item giveaway
- Decorations
- Each committee should provide updates of work (beginning in Sept.)
- Meetings should begin at 3 p.m. with positive sharing first and then general information for all staff
- Ms. Wells asked to record minutes for each staff meeting minutes sent to faculty on attached e-mail file
- Extra agenda items must be e-mailed to Mr. Duggin by Thursday of the week before each staff meeting Mr. Duggin forwards items to person responsible for agenda
Instructional Strategies (Curriculum Committee)
- Block scheduling
- Self-paced instruction
- Interactive teaching
- Project-based learning
- Intedisciplinary/collaborative teaching each teacher works in another area per term on some project i.e. Health/Science Career Fair
- Francille can help Tom in math and anyone else teaching math
- Elizabeth Holland (Language Arts)
- Ed (Senior Projects)
- Professional development activities to enhance course curriculum
- In-service activities Aug. 12 Integration and Project-based learning
- Integrating learning activities on the Internet
- Each teacher will identify websites
- Discuss importance and concern for processes that work (Aug. 16)
- Strategies should be implemented by Dec. show we are making progress in each area
Whole School Team Spirit (Celebration Committee)
- HTH Staff Meeting
- Reward students who keep on task, regularly attend class, and perform by completing quality work
- Elite club for recognition
- Senior Hawks (teachers)
- Junior Hawks (students)
- Student of the week consistent and meaningful
- Extra lunch time
- Certificate
- Letter sent home to parents
- Newspaper picture
- Honor roll list (2 per semester)
- Suggestion box (form)
- Date
- Concern (s)
- Suggestion for solution if possible
- First day of school celebration begin overall theme for the year
August 13 (2 Hours)
Housekeeping Items
Faculty Handbook
Student Handbook
Horizon Technician/Custodian/Others
Happy Times at Holloway High School 99
Together for the Millenium
Staff Agenda
August 16, 1999
7:40 a.m. 8:15 a.m. BREAKFAST
8:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Holloway Ice-breaker
8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. BREAK
9:00 a.m. Agenda
Mission Statement (Powerpoint Presentation)
- Discuss mission
- Positive aspects of report and how they achieve objectives
- Faculty shares what worked
- Areas of focus for year
- Test Scores
- Instructional Strategies to better scores
- Evaluation Component
- Whole School Team Spirit
Committee Charge
Evaluation of the Day
Door Prize Giveaway