Kingsbury Elementary School - Memphis, TN
Role of the Technology Team
- conduct needs assessment (8/18 9/1)
- provide a list of resources which will fulfill teachers needs as found in the assessment
- assist teachers in completing PD plan which will be aligned to the state mandated plan
- make presentation concerning PD and the vision of technology to Kingsbury Elementary School to Leadership Council on 8/13
- outline technology goals (presented to the Leadership Council)
- build a workshop agenda and strategies for integrating technology into the learning environment
- provide quality feedback for teachers&let teachers know how they are doing
- contact Dr. Williams and Deborah Gunn for current Internet resources
- provide quality examples of integrated curriculum which aligns with ATLAS and MCS standards
- work cooperatively and collaboratively with all staff
- maintain journal/log of activities
- publish written bulletin of technology tips and other useful information
- model effective technology integration to teachers