Kingsbury Elementary School - Memphis, TN

Task: To promote quality technology usage and integration of technology into the curriculum.






Needs Assessment Profile document, no action Teacher profile complete, no plans developed Teacher profile, PD plan, no school plan, no alignment Individual teacher needs assessment, individual teacher PD plan, school profile aligned with state evaluation, learning partners based on assessment
Technology Team List of members, no roles defined, action or expectation List team members, define roles of team List team members, define roles of team, define schedule, team training established, monitoring of activities, collaboration, will provide examples of technology integration to staff List team members, define roles of team, define schedule, team training established, monitoring of activities, collaboration, will provide examples of technology integration to staff, accessibility, effective communication (regular written bulletin)
Funding Title I $ Title I $, substitute $ Title I $, substitute $, grants Title I $, substitute $, grants, donations, adopters time and money
Grant committee Members and meeting time determined Members and meeting time determined, grant information available Members and meeting time determined, grant information available, clerical time Members and meeting time determined, grant information available, clerical time, TLA grant writing instruction, provide teachers grant info on Internet sites, monitor and communicate successes,
Professional development activities Activities not aligned to needs assessment Activities not aligned to needs assessment, more than one resource for activities Activities aligned to needs assessment, relevant, timely, aligned to Memphis City Standards (MCS) Activities aligned to needs assessment, relevant, timely, aligned to Memphis City Standards (MCS), several resources for activities (TLA, outside workshops, in-house workshops, SEIR*TEC, ATLAS, MUSI)
Study/ reflection groups Group meets but not prepared Group meets, sees challenges as complaints rather than opportunity for change Group meets, maintains logs of activities, shares quality student work, discusses challenges, develop rubrics for student work Group meets, maintains logs of activities, shares quality student work, discusses challenges and offers solutions, develop and use rubrics for student work, presents integrated curriculum examples with technology, reports to study groups(info sharing), uses intra-school communication (Lotus Notes, Quick mail), posts curriculum units on website, share professional articles