Morgan County Team - Wartburg, TN
To research components of technology plans and to develop strategies to guide the planning and implementation process in our district.
Suggested Technology Planning Committee Membership -
- Board member (1)
- Administrators (2)
- Community members (with technology knowledge) (2)
- Staff Development Person/Instructional Supervisor
- Technology Coordinator
- K-4 (1) teacher
- 5-8 (1) teacher
- K-8 (3) teachers
- 9-12 (2) teachers
- Vo-tech (1) teacher
- Advocate for Special Populations
- Student School Board members (4)
Components of the Technology Plan
- Vision Statement (Mission Statement) - concise
- Beliefs
- Goals
- Local district improvement goals
- Technology priority (Initiatives Support School Improvement Goals)
- Administrative
- Curricular
- Student Performance
- Infrastructure
- Support Services
- School and Community Relations
- Reflect State and National Goals
- Inventory of Existing Programs & Technologies by School Campus
- General Applications
- Instructional Applications
- Computer Hardware
- Computer Software
- Teacher Productivity
- Student
- Administration
- Infrastructure/Electrical/Y2K
- Information Resources
- Distance Learning
- Support Services
- Staff Skill Level
- Student Skill Level
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Overview of Curriculum Integration Correlated to the State Frameworks
- Correlating Technology Use with Prioritized COE Goals
- Strategies for Using Technologies to Meet Specific Educational State Standards
- Development of Specific Technology Skill Expectations or Competencies (by grade)
- Professional Development
- Basic Technology Application Competencies
- Integration of Technology and Instructional Strategies
- Action Plan
- Prioritize Specific Campus and District Goals
- Create Timeline for Implementation
- Develop Plan for Implementing Priorities
- Hardware
- Software
- Staff Development
- Network Requirements
- Support Services
- Evaluation Mechanism
- Individual Assignments (whos responsible)
- Funding Strategies
- Cost
- Monitoring and Evaluating
- Oversight Person Named
- Assessment Used
- Opportunities for Staff and Community Input
- Criteria to be Used in Measuring Progress
- Frequency of Reporting Progress
- Budget
- Sources of Funds for Technology
- Regular District Budget
- Grants
- Entitlements
- Business/Community Partners
- E-rate Discounts
- Fund Allocations to Fund Technology Priorities and Existing Programs
- Addendum
- Inventories
- Survey Data
- Survey Instruments
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Security
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- See Bryan Cofer about a meeting with team or Judy and Regina. (Judy will set up meeting.) Sometime before school starts.
- Meet with the entire group about what we have presented after he has a chance to look over the information. (Schedule meeting with him - Judy).
- Team drafts a letter of recommendation to Bryan that the new technology plan be implemented through a technology planning committee process. (This is done after the teams meeting with Bryan.)