Andrews Elementary School
Plan for Developing Technology Plan
Step 1: Develop a position paper
- Identify target audience
- Compelling introduction
- To be used to present an overview of the process to faculty
Visit the past and visit the future (selling point)
- Planning to plan process at Bernards Landing
- Start portfolio for process check
- Identify stakeholder groups
Step 2: Debrief and reach approval of Principal
- Overview of plan, budget, and benefits
- Present selling point
- Discussion of expectations from both Principal and Technology Teacher
- Identify stakeholder groups ( grade level representatives (7), librarian, parent, administration, business leader, district office)
Step 3: With the approval of the Principal, make contact with district office
- Connectivity
- Buy In
- Identify key district office stakeholders
Step 4: Communicate with faculty and staff our need for technology planning
- Present position paper
- "Nuts and Bolts"
- Invite grade levels to choose representative on planning team
- Compelling reasons for change
- Ask faculty for businesses and parent recommendations for joining team
Step 5: Informational/ Organizational planning committee meeting
- Invitations sent out two weeks prior
- Follow up from Technology Teacher
- At meeting go into in depth discussions of position, process, time involved, commitment, group expectations (rubric)
- Have committee (sub committee) to formulate strengths and weaknesses of technology use in our school
- Design snapshots in the field
Step 6: Draft needs assessment and develops survey
- Committees will research needs assessments from other schools
- Develop a customized needs assessment survey for our staff
Step 7: Conduct survey
Step 8: Evaluation and interpretation of needs assessment
- Compile results of data, contact district office technology representative for assistance interpreting data
- Use data to actualize the strengths and weakness of technology use in school
Step 9: Write a vision of where we will be in five years
- Committee members write a statement sharing personal technology vision
- A collective consensus of a vision will be reached
- Write a vignette ( a story of what we will have in five years when our vision is realized)
Step 10: Identify goals and objectives and link national, state, and district
Goals to out goals
- National, state, and local goals and objectives will be a resource
- Design a process to look at these to assist creating our goals and objectives
- Task assignments will be assigned to subgroups for research
- Pre planning for staff development day
- Find resources to assist with staff development day
- From all technological resources found an individualized draft of goals and objectives will be made
Step 11: Planning committee will meet to prepare how to get input from Faculty
Step 12: Consensus meeting with faculty to share vision, vignette, goals and objectives
- Emphasis- link goals and objectives (national, state, and local) with our goals and objectives to vision
- Compelling reasons for technology planning
- Snapshot in the field
- Ask for a form of feedback / interaction concerning these goals and objectives at faculty meeting
Step 13: Planning session
Step 14: Staff Development Day our goal is to have teachers input of the Activities and strategies that will support the different objectives
- There will be professional development training (workshop) that focuses on technology integration
- Grade levels will meet with planning committee members (as facilitators) to identify or find strategies that match objectives appropriate for grade level
- A snapshot in the field
- Each grade level will be expected to present a "sharing time" with faculty
- A faculty survey will be used for the evaluation
Step15: Debriefing and reflection of Staff Development Day
- Review grade level and facilitator "sharing time" projects
- This is a gage and a compass to see where we are
- Have team members be aware of school climates
- How is the climate for change
Step 16: Compile and reach consensus on activities and strategies that will meet the goals and objectives
- Include evaluation process- include presentation of what evaluation will look like
- Subgroups working together using resources provided searched for through internet resources
- Take each goal and reach consensus on strategies
- Timeline and implementation- discussion of
- Budget- discussion of
Step 17: Meet and discuss how the plan will be framed
Step 18: Consensus building with the draft of the plan (goalsand objectives)
- Planning committee member will take draft to grade level for sharing
- Encourage and record teacher feedback
- Planning committee will meet for follow-up
- Use feedback to refine plan
Step 19: Publication of the final draft
- Celebration- snapshots in the field
Step 20: Community technology night for showcasing AES Technology plan
- Invite PTA, Community and business leaders of the county
- All Principals, media, district office, school board members
- Snapshots in the field (in masses)
Step 21: Planning to plan implementation of technology plan for 20001school year
- Attend year 2000 SEIR-TEC Leadership Academy
AES Technology Leadership Academy