The Write Site
Designed for Ohio middle school language arts students, The Write Site curriculum has students take the role of reporters and editors to research, write and publish their own newspaper. The site includes unit outlines, handouts, exercises, information about how to write, and more. The participation fee for this OET/SchoolNet Project developed by Greater Dayton Public Television is waived for low income school districts. (added 11/25/97, reviewed 4/22/99)
In this multi-curricular project, "students produce their own newspaper based on the news articles submitted to the Newsday news wire by cooperating student correspondents. Your students become news gatherers and reporters, editors, layout and graphics artists, and publishers. Participation on an international scale leads to understanding of broad issues which transcend local concerns. " (added 11/25/95, reviewed 3/18/99)
Children's Express
Children's Express is a news service produced by kids reporting on the issues that affect their lives. Well written News Stories might serve as a springboard for discussion. Students can also participate in online polls and forums, submit story ideas, or report and file stories. This excerpt captures the purpose of CE: "When children have the opportunity to contribute, take on real responsibility and express themselves, they become deeply interested in understanding issues, identifying solutions and creating a better society. The unfiltered, but well-trained youth perspectives of CE reporters and editors are not only increasingly influencing audiences, they are also beginning to help shape the future." (added 11/14/96, reviewed 4/15/99)
National Scholastic Press Association
National Scholastic Press Association is a nonprofit membership organization serving student Journalists and advisers. Click Journalists Toolbox to find links to a variety of resources for High school journalists.