
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Learn about the organization and the standards.


School On Line


Today, schoolonline supports the teaching of the standard Algebra 1 curriculum. There are three interactive services for the algebra site - (1) an interactive lesson, (2) an interactive algebra reference engine, and (3) a service to investigate other algebra instruction sites. For the lessons, the student is presented with multiple choice problems, for each answer, the student is provided with feedback - if the wrong answer was selected, the student is provided with guidance on what he or she may have done wrong. The correct choice is rewarded with a congratulations and a detailed explanation on how to properly solve the problem. The schoolonline lessons can be performed by individual students or small work groups.

The algebra site also has a reference engine which the students can use while they solve the problems. The reference engine is a concise summary of the material written with some humor (at least I think so) and enthusiasm for the subject.

The algebra site has a service that allows students to investigate other Web Sites that provide instructional and enrichment materials.

Algebra I

Math 101 Concepts of Modern Algebra. Outline of the text for an introductory Algebra course.


Algebra Resources

Algebra Resources. Math (mostly algebra) links to tutoring, lessons, quizzes, and advice. "Homework Guidelines" explains what "good" homework is. A few "modules" giving practical explanations of topics in algebra.


Reference: Education: Distance Learning: Learner Resources

Math Courses Completely Online- Basic Math, Algebra, Geometry The Math Courses are completely online with interactive lessons. Designed for Test Prep or students who want to learn Basic Math, Algebra, Geometry and/or Data Interpretation.


The Academy Mathematics Curiculum Exchange

This sites offers lesson plans for Grades 9-12 in a variety of areas.


Computers and Maths Teaching

This Australian site contains worksheets for use in a math class to work on the graph sketching of functions in a computer lab, spreadsheet activites written for classes studying probability simulations and numerical solutions of equations using   the bisection method, and mathematical modeling worksheets to find mathematical functions that closely fit some real data. This site includes three related assessments and a link to a math assessment resource database.


Related Content Standards:

Math Standard 1

Effectively uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process

Math Standard 7

Understands and applies basic and advanced concepts of probablity and


Math Standard 8

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and


Life Work Standard 3

Uses basic word processing, spreadsheet, database, and communications




Activities For Mathematics

is the focus of this project. It includes a variety of activities to help you learn about . You will discover the approximate value of . You will use measurement and report data.



Appetizers and Lessons for Mathematics and Reason

© copyright by author, Alan M. Selby, Montreal, Canada, June 1995 onward, [email protected]

Welcome to a mathematics and science education reform website. Here are lessons easily understood and repeated for self-study by mathphobics and adepts. If one lesson is not to your liking, try another. Each one is different. They are organized in guides below. Some, not all, are available in French (leçons math et logique). For online texts on how to learn and teach many ideas and skills, (first aid to enriched views) visit the Logic, Mathematics and Science Education, Fair Use Website. Bon Appetit.



Browse by Subject | Search the Collection | Other Sources of Lesson Plans

The AskERIC Lesson Plan Collection contains more than 1,000 unique lesson plans which have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States. Contributions from individuals are essential to the collection; it is how it grows! If you have a great lesson plan you would like to share with educators all over the world, please send it to us.


Brain Teasers

Whether you solve them at home or in the classroom, individually or as a group, you'll find our Brain Teasers both entertaining and mentally challenging. Each Wednesday evening we will provide you with one new Brain Teaser at each of three grade ranges. Solutions will be posted on the following Wednesday. So go ahead and try one of the puzzles below. Good luck, and have fun!


Word Problems For Kids

This Web Site contains word problems for students and teachers. The problems are classified into grade levels from Grade 5 to Grade 12. THIS IS NOT A TEST, but a set of carefully selected problems which can help you improve your problem solving skills -if you try to carefully think about how you would solve each problem, and once you have found the solution, you make sure that you understand all parts of the solution. You can try any problem you like and if the problem is a little difficult you can get helpful hints by following the hints link.



Here is a list of resources in statistics including lessons and useful data sets.  The links are organized to follow the NCTM Standards Statistics goals can be found on page 167 of the NCTM Standards.


Technology Centers for the Integrated Technology Classroom

Lesson Plans



Mathematics: Statistics

Lesson Plans


Cube Coloring Problem

Lesson Plans


M&M Graphing and Probability

Lesson Plans



Algebra Tutorials, Fun/Games, Linear Algebra, Online Help, Online Courses,   Pre-Algebra, Shareware/Freeware, Math Index, Study Web Index


Awesome Library

The Awesome Library: Math Lesson Plans contains a collection of hundreds of math lesson plans for grades K-12.


Blue Web'n Applications: Mathematics

Blue Webn Learning Applications provides a wealth of resources for math teachers. This site has lessons, activities and other math applications.