Writing Winning Technology Proposals
Sources of Funding
The following information was taken from What Should I Know About ED Grants?, a 1995 publication of the U.S. Department of Education. Parts have been updated.
- Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)
- The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance gives comprehensive information on grants and other forms of assistance available from programs across the whole federal government. In addition, it provides a wealth of information on such topics as the organizational structure of federal agencies and grant proposal writing. The catalog is sent to a number of distribution points, including U.S. Government Depository Libraries in each state, Federal Executive Boards in major metropolitan areas, and offices of state and local governments. It is often available in reference sections of major libraries. You can purchase a subscription directly from the Government Printing Office. For further information, contact:
- Superintendent of Documents
- Government Printing Office
- Washington, DC 20402
- Data on catalog programs can also be searched through the Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System (FAPRS), a computerized question-answer system designed to provide rapid access to information in the catalog via key-word and criteria searches. States have designated access points where you may request a search of FAPRS to be made. Catalog data may also be purchased on floppy diskettes. For further information on FAPRS, designated access points, or purchasing the catalog in data format, contact:
- Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog Staff (WKU)
General Services Administration
Ground Floor, Reporters Building300 7th Street, SWWashington, DC 20407Telephone: (202) 708-5126Toll-Free Answering Service: 1-800-669-8331
- Federal Register
- The Federal Register is published daily, Monday through Friday, and provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by federal agencies. It is often available in the reference sections of major libraries. For information on subscriptions, contact:
- Superintendent of Documents
- Attn: New Orders
- Box 371954
- Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
The Federal Register is also available through the U.S. Department of Educations web site at http://www.ed.gov Other questions about the Federal Register can be directed to the inquiry desk on (202) 523-5215.
- Federal Information Center
- The Federal Information Center provides a wealth of information about the operations and offerings of the federal government, including telephone contact numbers that you can dial to get grant-related information from other Federal departments and agencies. You can contact the Information Center at 1-800-347-1997.
- National Grants Management Association
- The National Grants Management Association (NGMA) is a private membership organization of representatives of federal and state grantor entities, non-governmental organizations, college and university officials, and other persons responsible for administering assistance programs. The organization provides monthly and annual training conferences in the Washington, DC area and publishes a semi-annual journal and a quarterly newsletter. Membership is available by paying annual dues. For further information, contact:
- 1414 Prince Street
- Suite 375
- Alexandria, VA 22314
- (703) 519-1712
- The Foundation Center
- The Foundation Center provides information about non-federal sources of funding. In addition to its publications and extensive collection of materials at its several locations in the U.S., the Center also offers an Associates Program and a Cooperating Collections Program at numerous sites throughout the nation. You can obtain more information by contacting the Centers headquarters at:
- The Foundation Center
- 79 Fifth Avenue, Department JG
- New York, NY 10003-3076
- (212) 620-4230
- http://fdncenter.org
- Other Web Sites for Funding Opportunities
- AT&T - http://www.att.com/learning_network/
- Chronicle of Philanthropy - http://philanthropy.com/
Cisco Systems - http://www.cisco.com/edu/programs/schoolhouse/index.html
Commerce Business Daily - http://cbdnet.access.gpo.gov/
Education-based grant resources - http://www.leeric.lsu.edu/educat/grantres.htm
Federal Register - http://ocfo.ed.gov/fedreg/announce.htm
Foundation Center Online - http://fdncenter.org/
Grant Alert - http://edreform.com/info/grant.htm
Grantscape - http://www.grantscape.com/omaha/grants/top.html
- Grant Seekers Guide - http://homepage.interramp.com/us002618/guide.htm
GrantsWeb - http://web.fie.com/cws/sra/resource.htm
National Directory of Corporate Public Affairs - http://www.d-net.com/columbia/pip00002/pip00002.htm
- National Endowment for the Humanities - http://www.neh.fed.us
National Science Foundation - http://www.nsf.gov
Philanthropy Journal Online - http://www.pj.org/
U.S. Department of Commerce (Telecommunications and Infrastructure Assistance Program) - http://ntia.doc.gov/tiiap/
U.S. Department of Education - http://www.ed.gov
U.S. Department of Energy - http://www.doe.gov
- Additionally, the U.S. Department of Education runs a listserv maintained by which provides notice of new and upcoming departmental funding opportunities. To subscribe to EDInfo, address an email message to: then write SUBSCRIBE EDINFO YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME in the message (if you have a signature block, please turn it off). Then send it.