Reading and School Improvement Program
The mission of the Reading and School Improvement (RSI) program is to increase school success through research, development, dissemination, and knowledge utilization. RSI provides services and resources in the areas below.
- Class Size
- Literacy Projects
- Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Program (CSRD)
- Improving Low-Performing Schools
- Senior Project Research
- Onward to Excellence II
- SERVE Regional Forum on School Improvement
- Southern States Seminar
Class Size
For schools, districts, and states interested in class-size reduction as a means to positively impact student achievement, SERVE offers publications, research, networking opportunities, and evaluation assistance.
Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) Program
Research, development, technical assistance, and dissemination are components of SERVE’s continuing support of this national program. Learn more about the essential components of school reform and how to use data to drive changes in the classroom.
SERVE Regional Forum on School Improvement The SERVE Forum is an annual three-day learning event designed to bring educators together from across the Southeast to share experiences and expertise, forge new networks, and re-examine and strengthen plans for improving local schools.
The Literacy Project at SERVE
This project offers literacy-related publications, programs, and training opportunities for K–12 students, English Language Learners, and homeless or highly mobile youths. Senior Project Research A culminating assessment for twelfth-graders, Senior Project requires students to write a research paper, develop a related product and portfolio, then present their findings before a community review panel.
Southern States Seminar on Accountability SERVE convenes invited SEA representatives from the region and other experts in education reform for the annual SERVE Southern States Seminar on Accountability. This conference provides an opportunity for networking amongSenior states.
To learn more, please contact: SERVE, P.O. Box 5367, Greensboro, NC 27435; 800-755-3277; 336-315-7457 (fax);
RSI Projects
- Literacy Project
- School Reform
`Onward to Excellence II
RSI Events
- SERVE Forum on School Improvement
- Southern States Seminar