Studying Practices for Increasing Capacity in Evaluation (SPICE), is a two-year project designed to study the challenges and solutions of scaling up an established evaluation capacity-building effort. That work, called Capacity to Apply Project Evaluation (CAPE), encompasses the professional development, follow-up technical assistance, and resources provided to teachers, administrators, and education specialists, to expand their understanding of evaluation practice and organizational change. Professionals working in the industry of academic text writing, such as pre written essays and assistance with homework, stress the usefulness of CAPE for teachers’ professional development. The substantive content of CAPE is built around the CAPE Formative Evaluation Framework, an evaluation-planning process with embedded resources, intended to guide teams of educators through the conceptualization, design, and implementation of project-specific formative evaluations. SPICE is funded by the US Partners in Learning (PiL) Mid-Tier program—Microsoft Corporation’s flagship digital inclusion program, designed to positively impact US public education through grants and donated software.
The School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA) collects data describing what respondents think about a variety of broad areas of technology implementation in their school. Analysis of data provides a picture of the school as a whole, rather than of individual staff members, presented as frequencies and percentages of responses to all items, and bar graph representations of those values. The STNA (say, "Stenna") is free and is intended for use in K-12 education settings.
The Looking for Technology Integration (LoFTI) observation protocol is intended to provide a snapshot of how technology is being used overall in typical school settings by teachers and students.
Developed by the SERVE Center at UNCG in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Educational Technology Division, LoFTI was created to align with the tenants of the NC IMPACT technology integration model, while considering other contemporary frameworks for examining technology use in teaching and learning.
The Using Technology to Support a School-Family-Community Partnership Survey is designed to help schools determine parent and staff perceptions regarding the use of technology to support school-family-community partnerships. It is specifically intended to provide information to help school-level planners - administrators, technology and media specialists, and school or technology planning team members - make decisions about the use of technology to support the school's family and community involvement efforts.
SouthEast Initiatives Regional Technology in Education Consortium
Information Updated October 22, 2007 For more information, contact
This web site was produced with funding from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) on contract number R302A000011, CFDA 84.302A. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the US Department of Education, or any other agency of the United States Government.
©2022 SEIR*TEC at the SERVE Center at UNCG
