Any Time, Any Place, Any Path, Any Pace: Taking the Lead on e-Learning Policy
In October 2001, the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) released the conclusions from its study group on e-learning. The report is available in PDF format.
E-Learning for Educators: Implementing the Standards for Staff Development (PDF)
From the National Staff Development Council (NSCD), this publication identifies criteria for developing high quality online professional development for educators. PDF format.
NewsWire Online - Spring 2002 (PDF)
Volume 5, Number 1
In this issue of SEIR*TEC's NewsWire newsletter read about rich Internet resources for the classroom and about collaborative Web projects. Online projects range from very structured activities to full units of study correlated to state or local standards to those designed by the participants.
Online Staff Development: Lessons Learned
This publication from SEIR*TEC partner, ITRC at the University of Central Florida, is designed to provide practical tips for anyone involved in online staff development, as developers, facilitators, or participants. These "lessons" have been gleaned from a thorough review of the literature and a survey sent to over 200 developers, facilitators/instructors, and participants who reviewed, validated, and critiqued the lessons.
The Power of the Internet: Moving from Promise to Practice
This December 2000 report from the Web-based Commission provides comprehensive information on the impact of web-based learning on education, as well as establishes a policy roadmap to help educators better address the challenges presented by the Internet and other emerging technologies.
Report on State Virtual Schools
Updated in June 2005, SREB developed this report based on survey responses from the 16 south eastern states about the current state of their statewide online learning initiatives. The topics addressed include policy, management, funding, staff, development of courses, teacher training, marketing, evaluation, assessment, etc.
Standards for Online Professional Development (PDF)
This 2004 SREB publication outlines specific guidelines to help schools and states plan and evaluate online programs.
Virtual Schools: Trends and Issues (PDF)
This study, conducted in 2001 by WestEdRTEC, provides a summary and analysis of virtual school activities and trends across the United States.
- Digital Bridges
This NETC site provides information about the background and critical components of K-12 online learning and teaching for teachers, students and parents, counselors and mentors, and for curriculum planners and administrators.
ED Pubs
Free education publications are available from ED Pubs, the U.S. Department of Education's Publications Center. To order free books, brochures, videos, and more, visit the ED Pubs web site or call ED Pubs toll-free at (877) 433-7827.