European Tech Connect Project
Overview In this project, classes will combine their social studies research skills and charting skills in a multimedia presentation comparing a European country to a southeastern USA state.*
Project Summary This project will integrate e-mail (through ePals), spreadsheets, PowerPoint,, and sixth grade social studies competencies. By teaching important technology skills and meeting the needs of the social studies curriculum, teachers will provide students an authentic use of technology where they will better understand ways in which technology assists in their learning. A teacher can approach this project in many ways and for different lengths of time. It can easily be an introduction, stand-alone unit or a review project.
Students will use the Five Themes of Geography, research skills, higher order thinking skills and technology to study either a particular country or region in Europe. Students will also have the opportunity to compare the countries they are studying with the state where they live. The final product will be a well-organized and well-researched PowerPoint presentation that can be used as a class presentation, videotaped or viewed on individual learning stations.
Grade Level - 6
Project Objectives This project provides an opportunity for social studies classes to build research skills through telecommunications (both Internet and e-mail), multimedia and charting skills as they compare their state to a European country.
Subjects Social Studies and Technology

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*This project is provided by the Technology Facilitators of the Guilford County Schools (NC)
Updated 2/20/02