. . . . Continued

European Tech Connect Project

Procedures for Participation

  1. Classes wishing to participate must register as outlined below.
  2. Once project registration has been confirmed, teachers should determine the timeline for the lessons listed below.
  3. Classes will submit by e-mail as indicated below their multimedia presentation(s) with a brief narrative (500 word limit) description the their location and state. The narrative can be in the body of an e-mail or attached as a text file to an e-mail.
  4. Once the ETC presentation is posted, you will be notified via e-mail.
  5. For North Carolina educators, a special version of the activities is available. This version includes activities on databases and keyboarding/word processing/desktop publishing. For the NC version, click on one of the following links.

Lessons 1, 2, & 3 - Introduction to Online Resources

Lesson 1 - Where Can I Go for Online Research?
    1. Discuss and review "Telecommunications Vocabulary";
    2. Teacher presents different webpages to students;
    3. Discuss the webpages identifying which ones are useful;
    4. Students explore designated webpages independently.

Lesson 2 - A Tour of Europe - Resource Evaluation
    1. Review definition and characteristics of a webpage;
    2. Students participate in Wordsort Activity;
    3. Students evaluate the overall quality of four webpages;
    4. Students write about characteristics of a good webpage.
Lesson 3 - A Tour of Europe - Data Collection
    1. Students learn to distinguish between essential and non-essential information;
    2. Students collect "Essential Facts" related to the topic of research;
    3. Students complete a 1-2-3 worksheet, summarizing research activities.

Web Resources for these lessons
Web Resources for NC Educators - http://www.itpi.dpi.state.nc.us
Fact Monster - http://www.factmonster.com/index.html
Connect Europe - http://tps.dpi.state.nc.us/connecteurope
LearnNC (Media Center) - http://learnnc.org
Scholastic Network - http://teacher.scholastic.com/index.htm
Lonely Planet - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/
The World Factbook 2001 - http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook
Atlapedia Online - http://www.atlapedia.com/
U.S. Department of State - http://state.gov/r/pa/bgn
Learn NC - http://learnnc.org/
The Copernicus Education Gateway - Research Center - http://www.edgate.com/st_research.html
How Stuff Works - http://www.howstuffworks.com/
Brain Pop - http://www.brainpop.com/
Web Resources for North Carolina Educators Only
NC WiseOwl - http://www.ncwiseowl.org
Reference Zone - http://www.ncwiseowl.org/reference.htm
Grolier Encyclopedia - http://go.grolier.com/gol

How to search
Use SEIR*TEC Quick Reference Guide


Lessons 4 - A Trip to Europe (optional writing activity)

Lesson 4 - A Trip to Europe (optional writing activity)
    1. Complete a sample RAFT writing organizer;
    2. Using the writing organizer, plan a letter to a country of your choice;
    3. Students complete the RAFT organizer to construct a letter to the country of their choice;
    4. Students use a word processor to write their letters using the written directions for "Writing a Friendly Letter";
    5. Students edit and print their work;
    6. Students role-play a "government official" receiving the letter.

Lessons 5, 6, & 7- Introduce Multimedia using PowerPoint

Lesson 5 - Multimedia Presentations - An Overview
    1. Show two PowerPoint presentations;
    2. Complete Think-Pair-Share Worksheet;
    3. Discuss essential elements;
    4. Evaluate multimedia presentations;
    5. Set guidelines for creating a good multimedia presentation
Lesson 6 - Multimedia Basics using PowerPoint
    1. Complete the "All About Me" storyboard;
    2. Create four slides using storyboard;
    3. Discuss "PowerPoint Basics" document;
    4. Have students share presentation with each other.
Lesson 7 - Putting PowerPoint to Work
    1. Assign a European County to a group of 4-5 students;
    2. Create a storyboard for their country's presentation;
    3. Review basics of creating a slide show;
    4. Demonstrate how to add a hyperlink, music and sound to a slide;
    5. Student groups create their presentations;
    6. Critique slideshows using the PowerPoint Rubric;
    7. Present slideshows.
Lessons 8 & 9- Making the European Connection to Your State
Lesson 8 - Communicating with European Students (electronically)
    1. Locate a class of students in Europe to email;
    2. Students communicate via email to the European friends;
    3. Students construct and add new slides to their presentation;
    4. Discuss advantages of email to communicate vs. traditional letter writing.


Lesson 9 - Compare and Contrast European Countries to My State
    1. Students work with "Sequencing 1-2-3" activity cards;
    2. Discuss several items of comparison, using the State Datasheet, between your state and their European Country;
    3. Students complete the Country/State Comparison storyboard;
    4. Students construct and add new slides to their presentation;
    5. Critique presentations using the PowerPoint rubric;
    6. Students present their presentations to a larger peer group or adult audience.


How To Register

  1. To register, send an e-mail to the Project Coordinator, Kevin Oliver, at . Please include the following information in you e-mail.
  2. Teacher name
  3. School name
  4. School address
  5. Grade level of participating class
  6. E-mail address (preferably the teachers)
  7. URL of your school's website (if applicable)
  8. Geographical setting of your school (urban, rural, or suburban)

Updated 2/20/02