Intensive Site School
in US Virgin Islands
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School Facts

# of students: 600+
# of teachers: 67
classroom computers: 10
media center computers: 1
computer lab computers: 29
Internet points: 16 iin 2 labs
Technology team: yes
Technology plan: school
Ricardo Richards Elementary
Route 2, Kings Hill
St. Croix, US VI 00850
Ricardo Richards Elementary School is a K-6 school located on the island of St. Croix. The school building is rumored to have been a former warehouse which was converted into a school in the mid-1960s. One of the physically smaller schools in the St. Croix district, Richardo Richards nevertheless has 14 grade-level classrooms (including a multi-age lower elementary class) which average 30 students. The school population has continued to grow over the years due to increasing area population and the fact that Ricardo Richards is a popular choice for parents throughout the district. Each year, the schools curriculum is organized around two or three themes chosen by the teachers. The themes are broad and often relate to subjects such as understanding ourselves and cultural diversity. Within these themes, teachers primarily use district-adopted texts to organize and teach their core subject curriculum. The school also has strong programs focusing on reading remediation and enrichment and gifted students. |
A Story to Tell
In the past year, Ricardo Richards has seen a substantial growth in its number of computer workstations. A recent TLCF grant along with an overall increase in district funds allocated for hardware purchases has meant that the school finally has sufficient computers to place some in classrooms as well as the single computer lab. It is expected that the school's connection to the districts wide area network and the Internet will finally become operational by the end of this school year. Initially, the Internet will be available only in the compter lab, but the school hopes to wire at least part of the building for the net by the beginning of next year. A lack of funds for software, insufficient time for teacher training, and a variety of physical infrastructure issues (e.g., an inability to fully secure the school and its contents from theft) continue to exist as challenges for Ricardo Richards teachers in their efforts to integrate technology into teaching and learning.
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