How to Assess Student Performance in Science: Going Beyond Multiple-Choice Tests (2006) 
This publication provides science teachers with an easy introduction to rigorous assessment methods. Short chapters on instructional goals, assessment methods, rubrics, and grading methods introduce the terminology and examples to help teachers understand how to use a variety of assessment methods to align with challenging instructional goals. The document was significantly revised in 2005.
How to Assess Student Performance in Science: Using Classroom Assessments to Enhance Learning (2006) 
This publication is used to enhance the use of formative assessment practices in the classroom. These formative practices are ones that support students while they are learning. The practices also ensure that students receive feedback and guidance on their performances in a timely manner, so they can make improvements to those performances before being evaluated. This will help teachers do the following: (a) clarify science learning targets for their students, (b) understand the range of assessment methods available to teachers and explore the alignment of these methods to learning targets, (c) analyze assessment information to determine individual student learning needs, (d) modify instructional and/or assessment practices to enhance student learning, and (e) reflect on current grading practices and determine if current methods accurately portray student achievement.