English Language Learners
English Language Learners E-Newsletter (2004)
The e-newsletter is a quarterly publication with its inaugural issue December 2004. It will include state ELL updates, tips for teachers, calendar of events, etc.
English Language Learners in the Southeast: Research, Policy, and Practice
This document is a synthesis of research studies that yield policy-relevant findings about instructional programs for ELLs. It also describes demographic trends related to the ELL population in the Southeast. Of special relevance to SERVE states are the discussions of ELL instructional models in place in the SERVE region, along with key issues that influence ELL policies and reforms in the region.
Help! Kits
Help! They Don't Speak English Starter Kits for Primary Teachers and
The Help! Kit: A Resource Guide for Secondary Teachers of Migrant English Language Learners can be downloaded from the ESCORT website.
Published by ESCORT (formerly the Eastern Stream Center on Resources and Training), these help kits provide information to mainstream teachers who seek practical, research-based advice on how they can more effectively teach, evaluate, and nurture ELLs. SERVE is also willing to distribute copies of the Help! Kit for secondary school teachers, as supplies last.
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Homeless Education
Local Homeless Education Liaison Toolkit
The Local Homeless Education Liaison Toolkit is a comprehensive tool that will assist both new and veteran liaisons in carrying out their responsibilities. The Toolkit contains over 250 pages of the most useful and current information on increasing access to and success in education for children and youth experiencing homelessness. The Toolkit, updated in 2004, includes informational chapters, appendices, and a companion PowerPoint presentation.
Click on the file name below to download the file:
- Local Liaison Toolkit—reference guide

- Local Liaison Toolkit—complete Toolkit

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Toolkit chapters

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Appendices A-F

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Appendix G

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Appendices H-M

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Appendix N

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Appendices O-P

- Local Liaison Toolkit—Appendices Q-end

- Appendix N presentation© PowerPoint version
- Appendix N presentation© html version