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Looking for Technology Integration (LoFTI)



The Looking for Technology Integration (LoFTI) protocol was developed by SEIR*TEC at SERVE in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Educational Technology Division, as part of the LANCET project (Looking at North Carolina Educational Technology). Its conception was guided by a team of NC educators, including principals, teachers, technology facilitators, and NCDPI staff and consultants.

The LoFTI protocol was created to align with the tenants of the NC IMPACT technology integration model, while considering other contemporary frameworks for examining technology use in teaching and learning.

Data and Reporting

The LoFTI protocol can be used to collect observation data about a variety of broad areas of technology implementation and impact, in any setting where teaching and learning are taking place:
  • The environment - arrangement, student grouping, and instructional collaborators
  • Teaching and learning activities - content area, teacher, student, and assessment methods
  • Student engagement
  • Use of technology
  • Hardware and software in use

Analysis of data provides a profile of technology use in the school as a whole, rather than for individual staff members. After a number of observation record forms have been completed, educators can translate collected data to the Data Tally Tool, which presents totals in a format that emulates horizontal bar charts. This summary data can then be reviewed and discussed, in order to better understand technology integration in your school.

For most LoFTI sections, the observer is noting when an instance of a specific "look-for" occurs. For example, there are five possible choices describing "Student Grouping" and it is possible that some students may be working independently while others are in small groups. Similarly, it is possible that teacher or student activities change during a LoFTI visit, in which case more than one choice will be selected. These realities make the determination of frequencies and percentages problematic.

Using the LoFTI in Your School

While the LoFTI protocol will be made available for mobile computing devices in the future, the protocol is currently available as a PDF document, ready for duplication and distribution to respondents.

To deploy the paper-and-pencil LoFTI, download and distribute the PDF observer record form. (This link is to the NC-specific LoFTI version.) As observations are completed, transfer the data to the PDF Data Tally Tool, which will present an emerging profile of technology integration in the school.

Appropriate Uses

The LoFTI protocol is specifically intended to determine how technology is being used in typical school settings by teachers and students. It is intended to provide information to help school-level planners - administrators, technology and media specialists, and school or technology planning team members - make purchasing, resource allocation, or other decisions relating to technology. When used in conjunction with the School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA), LoFTI can complete the picture of how well professional development activities are translating into changed teacher practice and student activities.

It is not appropriate to use the LoFTI to assess individual teachers' skills with, understandings of, or attitudes about technology, nor should this instrument be used to compare schools or staff members for the purpose of assigning awards or sanctions.



If you have questions or comments, contact This page last updated 09-Sep-2005