Using Technology to Support a School-Family-Community Partnership Survey
This survey is designed to help schools determine parent and staff perceptions regarding the use of technology to support school-family-community partnerships. It is specifically intended to provide information to help school-level planners - administrators, technology and media specialists, and school or technology planning team members - make decisions about the use of technology to support the school's family and community involvement efforts.
This survey was developed to help school and district teams gather data from parents and school staff regarding the effects of technology initiatives on family and community partnerships with schools.
Using a well-established family involvement model, the Six Types of Involvement framework (Epstein, 2001), this survey specifically addresses how schools can plan and implement technology projects that support school-family-community partnerships.
The six types of involvement in schools make up the following six facets of the survey:
Parenting – helping all families establish a home environment to support their children as students
- Communicating – designing effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school communications about school programs and student progress
Volunteering – recruiting and organizing parent help and support
- Learning at Home – providing information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions, and planning
- Decision Making – including parents in school decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives
Collaborating with the Community – identifying and integrating resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development
For additional information on Epstein’s work with the National Network of Partnership Schools, please visit the National Network of Partnership Schools.
Data and Reporting
- The technology-partnership survey collects perceptive data - what respondents think - about how technology is used at your school to support school-family-community partnerships.
- Analysis of data provides a picture of the school as a whole - not of individual staff members - presented as frequencies and percentages of responses to all items, and bar graph representations of those values.
Technology-partnership survey data should not be analyzed quantitatively, even where the paper-and-pencil instrument is coded numerically to facilitate data entry. A mean score of a single item, for example, is completely meaningless since a mean of 3 could be achieved by any number of frequency distributions.
Using the Technology-Partnership Survey in Your School
- The instrument is available either online or as a PDF document, ready for duplication and distribution to respondents.
To use the online version, to arrange for initialization of your school's individual technology-partnership survey. Be prepared to provide some specific information:
- The name of your school
- The number of respondents expected to complete the survey
- The date on which parents or staff members may start responding
- The date on which responses should end
Once the response period has ended, a report url is provided only to the original school contact. Data is not used for any other purpose without express consent of school administrators.
A sample of the online technology-partnership survey is available for review. Note that, while it is completely functional and may be completed and submitted, no data will be reported to the Technology in Learning Program staff or to the visitor reviewing the instrument.
To use the paper-and-pencil version, download and freely distribute the PDF version of the document. This is an stop-gap version of the instrument, for which frequencies and percentages must be calculated manually at this time.
Epstein, J. (2001). School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and improving schools. Westview Press: Boulder, CO.