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Autobugography Project Standards

Grade 3 Technology Integration (DRAFT)

  • Productivity Strand, #6 Topic: Productivity, Standard: Utilizes technology tools to facilitate the writing process.
  • Productivity Strand, #6 Topic: Productivity, Standard: Applies word processing/desktop-publishing tools to facilitate the writing process.

Grade 3 Language Arts

  • Written Communication Strand, #41 Topic: Writing, Standard: Writes in a variety of genres, including imaginative stories.

Grade 4 Language Arts

  • Written Communication Strand, #43, Topic: Writing, Standard: Communicates ideas by using the writing process.

Grade 5 Technology Integration (DRAFT)

  • Productivity Strand, #6 Topic: Productivity, Standard: Applies word processing/desktop-publishing tools to facilitate the writing process.

Grade 5 Language Arts

  • Written Communication Strand, #29, Topic: Reading, Standard: Identifies story development, author's purpose, and point of view.


Digital Quilt Project Standards

Grade 3 Technology Integration (DRAFT)

  • Productivity Strand, #6 Topic: Productivity, Standard: Utilizes technology tools to facilitate the writing process.

Grade 3 Language Arts

  • Written Communication Strand, #41 Topic: Writing, Standard: Writes in a variety of genres, including content area pieces.

Grade 3 Social Studies

  • History, #23 Topic: Communities, Standard: Describes the local community in regard to origin, growth and change over time.

Grade 4 Technology Integration (DRAFT)

  • Productivity Strand, #6 Topic: Productivity, Standard: Applies word processing/desktop-publishing tools to facilitate the writing process.

Grade 4 Language Arts

  • Written Communication Strand, #43, Topic: Writing, Standard: Communicates ideas by using the writing process.

Grade 5 Technology Integration (DRAFT)

  • Productivity Strand, #6 Topic: Productivity, Standard: Applies word processing/desktop-publishing tools to facilitate the writing process.

Grade 5 Language Arts

  • Written Communication Strand, #42, Topic: Writing, Standard: Writes selections of three or more paragraphs about a topic.



Soup-to-Nuts Project Standards

Grade 7 Social Studies

  • Geography and World Cultures Strand, Topic: History, Standard: Traces the migrations and settlements of various groups and explains their impact on the development of each region.

Grade 7 Language Arts

  • Reference and Study Skills Strand, Standard: Uses a research process that includes selecting a topic, formulating questions, identifying key words, choosing sources, skimming, paraphrasing, note-taking, summarizing, and presenting.

Grade 7 Language Arts

  • Reading Strand, Standard: Applies reading strategies to specific content and subject matter.