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This page is a repository of downloadable assessment tools for connecting this project to academic standards of the six southeastern states. These are offered as suggested "starting points" and are not intended as a sole means of assessing a standard.

To increase this GRITS resource, participating teachers are invited to share assessments they have created for use in their classrooms. Teachers wishing to do so should attach the assessment(s) to an e-mail message briefly summarizing its use and the state standard(s) it supports. E-mail the assessment(s) to .

Current Trailing Desoto Project Assessment Tools

Trailing Desoto Rubric (Grade 6-8) This rubric focuses on areas of Technology Integration, Language Usage, Language Mechanics, Spelling, and Organization. Connections to specific state standards are listed.
MS Word file - 32K

Specific State Standard Connections for this tool
  • Alabama
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Mississippi
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina

Trailing Desoto Student Checklist (Grade 3-5) This student checklist supports the above rubric. MS Word file21K