Digital Community Quilt Project Standards
English Language Arts
- Kindergarten
Objective #1 - Exhibit an awareness of the concept of story.
Objective #9 - Begin to use pictures and text to gain meaning from written material.
Objective #12 - Exhibit an awareness that information may be obtained from a variety of sources.
Objective #13 - Gain an awareness of others through exposure to written, spoken, and visual forms of communication.
Objective #14 - Demonstrate an interest in and enjoyment of literature in a variety of forms, contexts, and media.
Objective #17 - Exhibit expanded vocabulary and sentence awareness.
Objective #18 - Begin to use elements of the writing process.
Objective #19 - Use writing skills.
Objective #20 - Express meaning through writing.
Objective #23 - Express meaning through a variety of activities.
- First Grade
- Objective #1 - Demonstrate a growing awareness of the concept of story.
Objective #6 - Comprehend material read, heard, or viewed.
Objective #10 - Recognize values, beliefs, and interests reflected in literature and other materials from various cultures.
Objective #13 - Connect knowledge learned in the language arts program to life situations.
Objective #15 - Use appropriate sources for obtaining information.
Objective #16 - Demonstrate appropriate listening and speaking behaviors.
Objective #18 - Participate in the writing process.
Objective #19 - Begin to use conventional mechanics and spelling when editing written expression.
Objective #20 - Apply proper use of grammar for written and spoken communication.
Objective #21 - Use writing as a tool for expressing thoughts in all disciplines.
Objective #22 - Write using manuscript.
Objective #23 - Use available technology for expression.
Objective #24 - Exhibit increased participation in self-expression in a variety of forms.
- Second Grade
- Objective #1 - Understand the concept of story.
Objective #11 - Associate knowledge learned in the language arts program to life situations.
Objective #12 - Identify values, beliefs, and interests reflected in literature and other materials from various cultures.
Objective #13 - Demonstrate appropriate listening and communicating behaviors.
Objective #16 - Use appropriate sources for obtaining information.
Objective #17 - Use the writing process when creating different forms of written expression.
Objective #18 - Use conventional mechanics and spelling when editing written expression.
Objective #19 - Apply principles of grammar in written expression.
Objective #20 - Use descriptive and narrative writing to clarify thinking in all disciplines.
Objective #21 - Write using legible manuscript.
Objective #22 - Use available technology for expression.
Objective #23 - Exhibit an increased facility in self-expression in a variety of forms.
- Third Grade
- Objective #1 - Use a wide range of strategies to interpret, evaluate, appreciate, and construct meaning from print materials.
Objective #2 - Exhibit awareness of how text features are used to convey meaning.
Objective #11 - Read materials encountered in daily lives.
Objective #12 - Apply strategies of a skillful listener.
Objective #14 - Develop an understanding of cultural similarities and differences noted through exposure to multicultural literature.
Objective #15 - Identify ways fictional characters and events reflect real experiences.
Objective #16 - Employ study strategies to gain information.
Objective #17 - Relate to the experiences and feelings of literary characters.
Objective #18 - Use appropriate reference sources with assistance for a variety of purposes.
Objective #19 - Demonstrate vocabulary growth developed through reading and listening to literature.
Objective #20 - Use the writing process with guidance when composing different forms of written expression.
Objective #21 - Know and apply principles of grammar and usage in writing, speaking, and presenting and apply mechanics in writing.
Objective #22 - Monitor the writing process.
Objective #23 - Exhibit the habit of writing daily in academic, social, and/or personal situations.
Objective #24 - Write in a variety of modes to express meaning.
Objective #25 - Organize paragraphs with attention to basic characteristics.
Objective #26 - Correct errors in sentence structure in oral and written presentations.
Objective #27 - Write meaningful simple sentences and short paragraphs.
Objective #28 - Spell correctly in final written products.
Objective #29 - Write legibly in manuscript to communicate clearly.
Objective #31 - Use computers for expression.
Objective #33 - Organize and present information in visual, oral, and/or print format.
Objective #34 - Exhibit skill in dramatizations and other oral presentations.
Objective #34 - Demonstrate facility with oral language for a wide range of purposes.
- Fourth Grade
- Objective #1 - Use a wide range of strategies to interpret, evaluate, appreciate, and construct meaning from print materials.
Objective #2 - Apply knowledge of text features to gain meaning.
Objective #4 - Demonstrate literal understanding of print material.
Objective #5 - Interpret passages in print material.
Objective #12 - Apply strategies of a skillful listener.
Objective #13 - Exhibit increased independence in selecting appropriate print and nonprint media for a variety of purposes.
Objective #14 - Distinguish between fact and opinion in information from a variety of sources.
Objective #15 - Describe cultural similarities and differences through exposure to multicultural literature.
Objective #18 - Employ study strategies with increasing facility to gain information.
Objective #19 - Use appropriate reference sources for a variety of purposes.
Objective #20 - Demonstrate vocabulary growth developed through reading and listening to literature.
Objective #21 - Use the writing process with assistance when composing different forms of written expression.
Objective #22 - Monitor the writing process.
Objective #23 - Know and apply principles of grammar and usage in writing, speaking, and presenting and apply mechanics in writing.
Objective #24 - Exhibit the habit of writing daily in academic, social, and/or personal situations.
Objective #25 - Write in a variety of modes to express meaning.
Objective #26 - Organize content of written compositions with attention to basic characteristics.
Objective #27 - Correct errors in sentence structure in oral and written presentations.
Objective #28 - Write meaningful sentences and paragraphs.
Objective #29 - Exhibit an increased proficiency with cursive writing.
Objective #31 - Use computers for expression.
Objective #32 - Apply figurative language found in literature to enhance written and oral production of language.
Objective #33 - Organize and present information using a variety of media and student-produced text.
Objective #34 - Exhibit skill in dramatization and other oral presentations.
- Fifth Grade
- Objective #1 - Use a wide range of strategies to interpret, evaluate, appreciate, and construct meaning from print materials.
Objective #2 - Use text features to gain meaning.
Objective #4 - Demonstrate literal understanding of print material.
Objective #5 - Interpret passages in print material.
Objective #10 - Read and view literature representative of various cultures, eras, genres, and ideas to develop an appreciation of their heritage and that of others.
Objective #16 - Compare and contrast cultural similarities and differences of the world through exposure to multicultural literature.
Objective #20 - Demonstrate vocabulary growth developed through reading and listening to literature.
Objective #21 - Use appropriate reference sources for a variety of purposes.
Objective #22 - Write in a variety of modes to express meaning.
Objective #24 - Organize content of written compositions with attention to basic characteristics.
Objective #25 - Use the writing process when composing different forms of written expression.
Objective #26 - Know and apply principles of grammar and usage in writing, speaking, and presenting and apply mechanics in writing.
Objective #27 - Monitor the writing process.
Objective #28 - Spell correctly in final written products.
Objective #30 - Express meaning through writing more complex sentences, more detailed paragraphs, and multi-paragraph compositions in an organized manner.
Objective #31 - Correct errors in sentence structure in oral and written presentations.
Objective #32 - Use computers for expression.
Objective #33 - Apply figurative language found in literature to enhance written and oral expression.
Objective #34 - Organize and present information in visual, oral, and/or print form.
Objective #35 - Exhibit skill in dramatizations and other oral presentations.
- Sixth Grade
Objective #1 - Interpret and construct meaning by applying appropriate strategies to materials across the curriculum.
Objective #7 - Recognize the characteristics and cultural influences of works of literature representative of various eras.
Objective #10 - Recognize linguistic and cultural diversity.
Objective #11 - Recognize the power of language as it evokes emotion; expands thinking; and influences problem solving, decision making, and action.
Objective #15 - Demonstrate an awareness of the research process.
Objective #16 - Respond with understanding and empathy to information read, viewed, and heard.
Objective #17 - Develop an extended vocabulary through reading, listening, viewing, writing, speaking, and presenting.
Objective #18 - Use available computer technology to enhance reading and writing skills.
Objective #19 - Read aloud effectively from literature and personal compositions.
Objective #20 - Demonstrate effective listening and speaking behaviors for varied situations and purposes.
Objective #21 - Use the writing process when composing various forms of written expression.
Objective #22 - Know and apply principles of grammar and usage in writing, speaking, and presenting and apply mechanics in writing.
Objective #23 - Compose using recognized literature as models.
Objective #24 - Use self-monitoring and feedback from peers and teachers to evaluate reading, writing, listening, viewing, studying, and research skills.
Objective #25 - Organize content of written composition with attention to basic characteristics.
Objective #26 - Compose descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive essays.
Objective #27 - Spell correctly in final written works.
Objective #28 - Write legible final drafts.
Objective #29 - Compose and present using various techniques for different audiences.
Objective #30 - Express personal feelings, opinions, and information in formal, informal, and interpersonal situations.