Digital Community Quilt Project Standards
Social Studies
- Kindergarten
- Objective #1 - Develop initial map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Develop an awareness of map and globe representations.
Objective #3 - Develop initial ability to display information in graphic form.
Objective #4 - Locate new information and express understanding of the new information in various classroom projects.
Objective #16 - Increase awareness of various environments.
Objective #17 - Become familiar with the physical features of the school and the surrounding locality.
Objective #21 - Identify various workers and their roles in the community.
Objective #22 - Distinguish between goods and services.
Objective #24 - Distinguish between producers and consumers.
Objective #26 - Identify human-made and natural resources.
Objective #28 - Begin to compare different forms of communication from the past and the present in different times.
Objective #29 - Begin to compare different forms of transportation from the past and the present in different times.
Objective #30 - Recognize growth in one's life.
Objective #34 - Develop an awareness of the uniqueness of individuals.
Objective #35 - Develop an awareness of how people are the same and yet different.
Objective #36 - Build an understanding of different cultures through the exploration of holidays, customs, and traditions.
Objective #37 - Develop an awareness of the lives of children in other places.
- First Grade
- Objective #1 - Extend the development of initial map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Extend initial ability to display information in graphic form.
Objective #3 - Extend initial ability to locate new information and to express understanding in various classroom projects.
Objective #9 - Compare features of communities.
Objective #10 - Relate land use in their locality to the physical features of the land.
Objective #11 - Describe the impact of cultural changes on the locality over time.
Objective #15 - Compare work in the local community today to work in the past.
Objective #19 - Describe ways people are interdependent within the family, school, and community.
Objective #20 - Exhibit an appreciation of the way life in a locality is enriched by the world community.
Objective #21 - Compare transportation today and to transportation in the past.
Objective #22 - Compare the history and features of the local community with a contrasting community.
Objective #23 - Compare the lives of children living today to the lives of children of a different time period.
Objective #24 - Describe how the locality is connected to the larger world geographically and economically now and long ago.
Objective #25 - Analyze the movement of selected people and ideas from place to place over time.
Objective #30 - Retell stories about communities in other times and places that reflect cultural diversity and commonality.
Objective #31 - Exhibit an understanding of cultural diversity found in the classroom, in the locality, and in the world.
- Second Grade
Objective #1 - Develop map and globe skills appropriate to developmental level and grade level.
Objective #2 - Develop the ability to interpret and display information in graphic form.
Objective #3 - Develop the ability to locate new information and to express understanding of this information in various classroom projects.
Objective #9 - Relate the study of significant people to the elements of geography.
Objective #10 - Identify ways the natural environment affects occupational opportunities.
Objective #14 - Identify workers who supply people's daily needs.
Objective #21 - Develop a sense of history through the examination of family histories.
Objective #22 - Compare transportation methods of families now to those used by families long ago.
Objective #23 - Compare occupations of family members now to those of family members long ago.
Objective #26 - Describe the contributions of significant individuals who have affected our lives.
Objective #28 - Recognize similarities and differences among family culture and the cultures of appropriate literary characters.
- Third Grade
Objective #1 - Extend their development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Know how to interpret and display information and data using various graphic organizers.
Objective #3 - Use references for independent investigations of selected topics.
Objective #11 - Describe relationships between early settlements and the natural environment.
Objective #14 - Demonstrate an understanding of the movement of Europeans and Africans to America.
Objective #15 - Compare the lives of Europeans and Africans during the exploration and settlement of America.
Objective #16 - Describe natural features.
Objective #19 - Develop an understanding of the reasons for the location of human-made places.
Objective #21 - Compare careers of the past to careers of the present.
Objective #23 - Differentiate among county, state, and country.
Objective #24 - Distinguish among local, state, and national governments.
Objective #26 - Assess a situation concerning public safety.
- Fourth Grade
- Objective #1 - Extend the development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Interpret and display information and data using various graphic organizers.
Objective #3 - Apply reference skills in independent investigations of selected topics.
Objective #4 - Comprehend the geographic link between Alabama and regions of the United States.
Objective #5 - Describe the natural environment of Alabama including significant geographical features.
Objective #8 - Assess the impact of European contact on Native American populations in Alabama.
Objective #11 - Explain lasting contributions made by Alabama's earliest inhabitants.
Objective #12 - Describe European explorations and settlements in Alabama and identify reasons for and consequences of each.
Objective #29 - Explain the development of industry and trade in Alabama, nationally and internationally, in the late nineteenth century using maps, globes, and time lines.
Objective #30 - Explain Alabama's changing role of international trade in agriculture in the late nineteenth century.
Objective #33 - Describe aspects of Alabama society in the late nineteenth century.
Objective #35 - Describe how certain technological advancements brought change at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Objective #36 - Recognize contributions made by Alabamians during the first half of the twentieth century.
Objective #45 - Recognize Alabamians from the last half of the twentieth century who have made notable contributions to the state and the nation.
Objective #46 - Describe Alabama's changing economy in the twentieth century.
Objective #49 - Analyze the impact of the population growth on the natural environment.
- Fifth Grade
Objective #1 - Extend the development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Read, interpret, and organize information using a variety of sources and tools.
Objective #3 - Apply reference skills in independent investigations of selected topics.
- Sixth Grade
- Objective #1 - Extend the development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Read, interpret, and organize information using a variety of sources and tools.
Objective #3 - Apply reference skills in independent investigations of selected topics.
Objective #4 - Review major changes in America from 1870 to 1900.
Objective #15 - Describe patterns of population movement.
Objective #18 - Discuss characteristics and distinctive features of life in America during the 1920s.
Objective #29 - Describe American society and culture of the 1950s "Baby Boom."
Objective #32 - Understand the key events and people in the Civil Rights movement.
Objective #39 - Analyze the environmental and social consequences of humans changing the physical environment.
Objective #41 - Describe the impact of and reasons for the influx of immigrants on American life in the twentieth century.
Objective #42 - Discuss the social issues of the 1990s from differing perspectives.