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Soup-to-Nuts Project Standards

Social Studies

Grade 4
Objective #1 - Extend the development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 - Interpret and display information and data using various graphic organizers.
Objective #3 -
Apply reference skills in independent investigations of selected topics.
Objective #4 -
Comprehend the geographic link between Alabama and regions of the United States.
Objective #5 -
Describe the natural environment of Alabama including significant geographical features.
Objective #6 -
Investigate significant methods of obtaining prehistoric and historical data.
Objective #7 -
Identify the major characteristics of prehistoric Indians: Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian.
Objective #8 -
Assess the impact of European contact on Native American populations in Alabama.
Objective #9 -
Describe historic Indians of Alabama after European contact.
Objective #10 -
Describe aspects of the lives of historic Indians of Alabama.
Objective #11 -
Explain lasting contributions made by Alabama's earliest inhabitants.
Objective #12 -
Describe European explorations and settlements in Alabama and identify reasons for and consequences of each.
Objective #15 - Explain the effects of European domination over Native Americans in Alabama from 1519 to 1815.
Objective #18 - Describe life in early nineteenth-century settlements in Alabama.
Objective #21 - Explain the importance of natural resources and land regions to the beginnings of industry and the development of Alabama's economy.
Objective #22 -Compare local and regional life on plantations (owners and slaves) to the life of the townspeople and those who lived on small farms.
Objective #23 - Analyze slavery's impact on Alabama's society.
Objective #29 - Explain the development of industry and trade in Alabama, nationally and internationally, in the late nineteenth century using maps, globes, and time lines.
Objective #30 - Explain Alabama's changing role of international trade in agriculture in the late nineteenth century.
Objective #33 -
Describe aspects of Alabama society in the late nineteenth century.
Objective #37 - Describe the economic conditions of Alabama in the early twentieth century.
Objective #44 - Summarize the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on life in Alabama.
Objective #49 - Analyze the impact of the population growth on the natural environment.
Grade 5
Objective #1 - Extend the development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 -
Read, interpret, and organize information using a variety of sources and tools.
Objective #3 -
Apply reference skills in independent investigations of selected topics.
Objective #6 - Discuss the progression of culture of the early American people.
Objective #10 - Analyze the English settlement of North America.
Objective #13 - Describe the location and natural environment of the three primary groups-Northern, Middle, Southern-of English colonies.
Objective #17 - Discuss colonial trade routes and their impact on society.
Objective #19 - Describe the culture of the African slaves in Colonial America.
Objective #46 - Explore the lasting cultural influences of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Grade 6
Objective #1 - Extend the development of map and globe skills.
Objective #2 -
Read, interpret, and organize information using a variety of sources and tools.
Objective #3 -
Apply reference skills in independent investigations of selected topics.
Objective #11 -
Explain how principles of scientific management and technological innovations influenced production, work, and daily life.
Objective #14 - Relate the growth of cities and industries to the location of natural resources.
Objective #15 - Describe patterns of population movement.
Objective #16 - Describe the magnitude and significance of the immigration movement from 1900 to 1928.
Objective #27 - Assess the impact of World War II on American culture.
Objective #28 - Evaluate changes in the United States after World War II.
Objective #29 - Describe American society and culture of the 1950s "Baby Boom."
Objective #39 - Analyze the environmental and social consequences of humans changing the physical environment.
Objective #40 - Describe the impact of technological innovations on American life from the 1970s to the present.
Objective #41 - Describe the impact of and reasons for the influx of immigrants on American life in the twentieth century.
Grade 7
Objective #1 - Explain map essentials: type, size, shape, distance, direction, location, scale, symbols.
Objective #2 - Illustrate spatial information using data, symbols, and colors to create thematic maps.
Objective #3 - Illustrate graphically and analyze the distribution of major physical and human features on Earth's surface using different scales.
Objective #11 - Explain patterns in the physical environment within the context of physical processes.
Objective #14 - Identify changes over time in a nearby ecosystem resulting from human intervention.
Objective #15 - Describe human populations on the Earth's surface.
Objective #16 - Identify ways in which communities reflect the cultural background of their inhabitants.
Objective #27 - Relate the importance of energy resources to the development of human societies.
Objective #28 - Identify changes over time indicating the process of urban growth in the United States.
Objective #29 - Assess the role of different land-survey systems in establishing contemporary landscape patterns by examining maps.
Grade 8

Objective #21 - Evaluate Pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas.

Grade 9

Objective #2 - Analyze the geographic, economic, political, and cultural aspects of European exploration and colonization.
Objective #6 - Evaluate the achievements and influences of the Scientific Revolution.
Objective #7 - Compare significant ideas of the Enlightenment.
Objective #11 - Evaluate the influence of urbanization in the nineteenth century.
Objective #15 - Analyze the causes, course, and consequences of World War I.
Objective #17 - Assess the challenges of the post World War I period.
Objective #18 - Evaluate the causes and global impact of the Great Depression.
Objective #20 - Analyze causes, course, and consequences of World War II.
Objective #21 - Analyze the origins and results of the Cold War.
Objective #27 - Critique new boundaries and problems in science, technology, economics, and culture.

Grade 10

Objective #1 - Trace life in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans and Africans.
Objective #2 - Evaluate European explorations of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries and the impact of the first contacts between Americans and Europeans.
Objective #3 - Explain the significance of early European conquests and business ventures as they affect the Americas.
Objective #4 - Trace the development of early English settlements and colonies.
Objective #5 - Explain the impact of North American slavery on colonial life.
Objective #9 - Trace Colonial America's political and social divergence from England.
Objective #20 - Analyze the development of economic nationalism during the Era of Good Feelings.
Objective #22 - Trace the development of revolutions in energy, manufacturing, and transportation during the Iron Horse Era.
Objective #23 - Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Northern and Southern economic systems.
Objective #32 - Explain the failings and accomplishments of the Reconstruction Era and its impact on life in the twentieth century.
Objective #33 - Discuss the progression of industrialism and the business world in America and its impact on society.
Objective #34 - Analyze the cause and effect of urbanization in the late 1800s.
Objective #36 - Explain the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial nation throughout the nineteenth century.