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Information by Topic: Child Welfare/Foster Care
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Children in Out-of-Home Care (Foster Care/Awaiting Foster Care Placement)

NCHE Resources

Clearing the Path to School Success for Students in Out-of-Home Care
The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education and the National Center for Homeless Education present this brief, part of NCHE's Best Practices in Homeless Education series, to help educators and child welfare advocates clear the path to school success for children and youth who are forced to leave their homes due to abuse and neglect. Two federal laws, among others, provide tools to clear the way: The McKinney-Vento Act and the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act. This guide provides basic information about both laws and suggests practical strategies for their implementation.
Download the brief.
School Selection for Students in Out-of-Home Care
NCHE and the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education present this brief, part of NCHE's Best Practices in Homeless Education series, to provide a framework for local homeless education liaisons, educators, child welfare caseworkers, and other child welfare advocates for assessing best interest when selecting a school for students in out-of-home care. While the brief focuses on students “awaiting foster care placement” under the McKinney-Vento Act, it provides information relevant to school selection and school stability for all children and youth in out-of-home care.
Download the brief.
When Working Together Works: Academic Success for Students in Out-of-Home Care
NCHE and the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education present this brief, part of NCHE's Best Practices in Homeless Education series, to help educators and child welfare advocates work together to support the academic success of children and youth in out-of-home care. The brief offers practical, proven strategies for implementing two federal laws collaboratively: The McKinney-Vento Act, which applies to state and local educational agencies, and the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act, which applies to state and local child welfare agencies. Specifically, this brief will assist state and local agencies and staff in: Laying a foundation for working together; agreeing on requirements and expectations; promoting school stability; and incorporating children fully in classes and school activities.
Download the brief.
Other Resources

Asking the Right Questions II: Judicial Checklists to Meet the Educational Needs of Children and Youth in Foster Care
This guidebook, courtesy of National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges with support from Casey Family Programs, is a revision of the original Asking the Right Questions guidebook published in 2005. This updated guidebook is a tool that judges can use to make inquiries about the educational needs of children and youth under their jurisdiction, with the goal of positively impacting their educational outcomes and preparing them for successful adulthood.
Download the guidebook.
Building a Campus Support Network for Students Emerging from Foster Care
This June 2009 brief from Casey Family Programs addresses the following questions: (1) How are college key support services for foster youth structured?; (2) What resources are available to help foster youth to transition to life at the university (e.g., dedicated advisor, support group, etc.)?; and (3) How do other universities assist foster youth in facing specific challenges, including applying for admission and financial aid, buying textbooks and other peripherals, and finding a place to live during semester breaks? The brief provides eight key observations to answer these questions and to help school administrators provide better support for students emerging from foster care.
Download the brief.
Courtroom Advocacy for the Education Needs of Children in Out-of-Home Care
This 2-page tip sheet from the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education serves as a primer on which educational issues are particularly important to address in the courtroom for children in out-of-home care and provides specific recommendations for different role groups, including: Guardians ad Litem (GALs), Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs), attorneys, and judges.
Download the tip sheet.
FosterClub's Transition Toolkit
The tookit, provided by FosterClub in collaboration with, provides an overview of the skills, knowledge, and resources needed for young people leaving foster care to prepare for life on their own as young adults. The included transition plan provides a space to write down and keep track of all available resources. The toolkit puts young people in the driver’s seat in planning for and working towards their future. While designed with students transitioning from foster care in mind, the toolkit can be a valuable resource for all young people, including youth experiencing homelessness.
Access the toolkit online.

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The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) is associated with The SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This website was produced with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, on contract no. ED-01-CO-0092/0001.
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