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Best Practices and Model Programs: Child Welfare/Foster Care
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Child Welfare/Foster Care

Connecticut: Memorandum from the Commissioner of the Department of Children and Families (DCF)
This memorandum clarifies which children in Connecticut DCF custody qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act
Download the memorandum.
Delaware 14 Del.C. §202(c)
This Delaware state law establishes that Delaware will define "awaiting foster care placement" to include all children in foster care.
View 14 Del.C. §202(c).
View Delaware's Administrative Code Title 14, 901 Education of Homeless Children and Youth.
Delaware: MOU between the Department of Education and Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families
This Delaware Memorandum of Understand (MOU) addresses, among others, the following issues:
- To develop a uniform process for Delaware LEAs and Charter Schools to maintain children who are in the custody of DSCYF in their schools of origin, or when in their best interest, to promptly enroll them in a new school
- To establish consistent procedures to address when children in foster care change residence resulting in a new school enrollment or the need for transportation to their school of origin
- To enhance communication and coordination of the McKinney-Vento Act and 14 DE Code § 202
- To ensure that in all instances, educational and placement decisions regarding children and youth in foster care are based on the best interests of the child
Download the MOU.
Fostering Connections Resource Center: State Legislation
This webpage from the Fostering Connections Resource Center provides information on legislation pending in and enacted by states to support the implementation of the Fostering Connections Act.
Visit the website.
Maine Education Bill 257
This Maine state law, formally entitled An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force To Engage Maine's Youth Regarding Successful School Completion, gives homeless students, students in foster care, and other students experiencing educational disruption, the opportunity to earn a diploma from the State Education Commissioner. Students are still required to demostrate proficiency according to state standards, but are given the opportunity to earn a diploma outside of a school district's standard procedures.
Download the law.
Massachusetts Homeless Education Advisory 2004 - 9: Children and Youth in State Care or Custody
This advisory of the Massachusetts Department of Education provides guidance to local school districts and social service providers as they implement the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act regarding the identification, enrollment, attendance, and success in school of children and youth who are awaiting foster care placement.
View the advisory.
Serving the Educational Needs of The Child/Youth in DCS Custody
This policy, established by the State of Tennessee Department of Children's Services, details state guidelines for educating children and youth in state custody. It includes children and youth that are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act due to the emergency or temporary nature of their placements.
Download the policy in PDF format.
States at a Glance: Awaiting Foster Care Placement Under the McKinney-Vento Act
This chart from the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education summarizes state and local law and policy defining the McKinney-Vento Act's "awaiting foster care placement" designation.
Download the chart.
Texas Education Code 25.001(f)
This state law reads: "A child placed in foster care by an agency of the state or by a political subdivision shall be permitted to attend the public schools in the district in which the foster parents reside free of any charge to the foster parents or the agency. A durational residence requirement may not be used to prohibit that child from fully participating in any activity sponsored by the school district." The durational residence requirement portion will enable foster students to participate fully in all school activities regardless of how long they've lived in their current foster placement.
View the code online (scroll down to (f)).

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The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) is associated with The SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

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