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SERVE > Core Competencies > Support and Assistance



Providing Support and Assistance to Low-Performing Schools and Districts

SERVE is committed to providing support and assistance to low-performing schools and districts. One approach is direct onsite assistance. The Regional Educational Laboratory at SERVE is providing technical assistance to low-performing districts in the Mississippi Delta. Since 2000, SERVE has provided an onsite team to support the North Bolivar School District's improvement efforts.

The Southeast Eisenhower Regional Consortium for Mathematics and Science Education at SERVE provides on-going support to middle school mathematics teachers at selected low-performing middle schools in a collaborative initiative, the Middle School Mathematics Project. Consortium activities for this project include: annual summer institutes; on-site planning and technical support visits; and a school-based leadership team at each school.


SERVE has also provided technical assistance to several low-performing districts through their participation in a group called SERVE-Leads, which is a district consortium that meets several times a year to plan strategies for improving the quality of instruction.