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Horrific Hurricanes
Are Hurricanes Bulls or Bears?

Overview: This activity rquires students to research the performance of the stock market during a hurricane or collection of hurricanes.


  1. Select no more than five hurricanes per class to research.
  2. Research the hurricane(s) and determine the duration for each (i.e September 12, 1969 - September 20, 1969).
  3. Visit the web site below to determine the closing level of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) for your hurricane.
  4. Use a word processor to record the closing DJIA for each day of the hurricane. Advanced users can record this information using an Excel spreadsheet.
  5. Respond to the following questions.
    • Describe the general trend of the DJIA during the hurricane?
    • What was the difference (in points and precentage) between the highest and lowest close during the hurricane?
  6. Submit the record of the DJIAs and resposes to .
  7. The information will be compiled with others to create an online Hurricane Digest.


Yahoo! Finance -Historical Prices - A tool for finding the historical closing levels of the Dow Jone Industrial Average.


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Updated 6/24/02