Horrific Hurricanes Project

. . . . Continued

Procedures for Participation

  1. Classes wishing to participate must register (see below).
  2. Prior to registration, classes should review the following activities and select at least one to complete.
    • What's in a Name? - This activity requires students to research the history of specific hurricanes, write of Hurricane Brief containing specific information, and plot its course on a map.
    • Are Hurricanes Bulls or Bears? - This activity requires students to research the performance of the stock market during a hurricane or collection of hurricanes.
    • Under Pressure! - This activity requires students to explore the concept of barometric pressure and collect related data on at least two different hurricanes.
  3. Once project registration has been confirmed, the class should complete the activity in a timely fashion.
  4. At the completion of the activity, products must be submitted for posting to the Online Hurricane Digest.
  5. Visit the Online Hurricane Digest.

How To Register
To register, send an e-mail to the Project Coordinator, Dan Shoemaker, at . Please include the following information in you e-mail.

  • Teacher name
  • School name
  • School address
  • Grade level of participating class
  • E-mail address (preferably the teachers)
  • URL of your school's website (if applicable)
  • Geographical setting of your school (urban, rural, or suburban)
  • Selected activity(ies) from the list above.