Horrific Hurricanes Project
What's in a name? Camille, Andrew, Floyd, Hugo all sound harmless enough, but for thousands of people who have made their home in the southeast during the past half century, these names and others ignite hidden, often horrific, memories. June through December is hurricane season. To learn the signifigance of these names and more, classes combine their science, mathematics, geography and language arts skills to explore hurricanes of the past century.
Project Summary
The southeast is a frequent recipient of severe weather, especially hurricanes. These ferocious storms have carved paths of destruction through many coastal and inland areas during the past hundred years.
This online project provides students the opportunity to use science, mathematics, geography and language arts skills to explore hurricanes of the past century. Each participating class will examine a hurricane that has impacted their area or an area close to them. This research will include general historical information and some typical weather-related concepts. Additionally, it will also require students to dig deeper into unique topics that aren't usually considered connected to hurricanes. This information will be compiled into an online Hurricane Digest.
Grade Level - 4- 8
Project Objectives
This project provides an opportunity for classes to use science, mathematics, geography and language arts skills to research hurricanes of the past century
Science, Mathematics, Geography, Language Arts, and Technology