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Technology Project


The Technology in Learning program at the SERVE Center at UNCG has developed a Formative Evaluation Framework, specifically intended to help local education agencies and individual schools increase their internal capacity to evaluate projects that implement technology in teaching and learning settings.

Although tailored particularly to projects funded by grants under the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program, the strategies described in this framework may be easily adapted to the evaluation of other school-improvement projects as well.

The CAPE Formative Evaluation Framework
1. Introduction: How to Use These Resources
What's on this site, why evaluation is important, types of evaluation, and uses of evaluation.

2. Overview: The CAPE Framework for Formative Evaluation
Evaluation terminology, and how to develop a useful, practical, appropriate, accurate project evaluation plan

3. Theory: Explaining How Your Project Works
How your project is expected to achieve results, an introduction to project theory models, and creating a logic map.
4. Outcomes: Goals and Objectives, and Their Relationship to Strategies
Defining your project in terms of expected outcomes and the activities intended to further them.

5. The Plan: Basic Components
The nuts and bolts of an evaluation plan - questions, indictors, data collection methods & measures, benchmarks, and uses of evaluation findings

6. Data Sources: Some Examples
The School Technology Needs Assessment, the LoFTI classroom observation instrument, the SERVE Staff Development Evaluation Form, and rubrics for teaching and learning with technology.

7. Implementation: Putting the Evaluation Plan to Work
The work of a school or LEA evaluation committee, and how to develop and implement an evaluation management plan.
8. The Report: Communicating the Results
A sample reporting format (from the NC Department of Public Instruction), and helpful tips for writing an effective evaluation report.
9. Examples: Real Evaluation Plans and Reports
Evaluation plans and reports to further planning team discussion during evaluation planning efforts.

10. Resources: Index of Materials Supporting Evaluation
An index of resources referred to on this site, plus additional online information useful to evaluation planning.


If you have questions or comments, contact

This page last updated 11/3/06