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6. Data Sources


Some Examples

It might be helpful for evaluation planners to look at some examples of methods and measures, intended to collect data common to technology implementations in schools.

It is important to note here that data sources - methods and measures - must primarily be selected based on implementation or impact questions that emerge from evaluation planning efforts, rather than other factors (e.g., ease of access or cost) - although such factors are always a secondary consideration. Collection of unnecessary data or use of methods that are not well matched to data needs will result in an inefficient or incomplete evaluation effort.

Needs Assessment

  • The School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA) - This SEIR*TEC online needs assessment tool is intended to help school-level decision makers—administrators, technology facilitators, media coordinators, or technology committee members—collect staff perceptive data to guide decisions relating to educational technology in schools (e.g., purchasing, resource deployment, and professional development activities).

Classroom Observation Protocol

  • Looking For Technology Integration (LoFTI) - This SEIR*TEC tool is designed specifically to aid in the observation of technology integration into teaching and learning. The data gathered through the use of this instrument should be helpful to building-level staff that plan or provide professional development in instructional technology. Note that the link above is to the North Carolina version of the LoFTI. It may be adapted to other settings.

Surveys and Questionnaires

Rubrics and Scoring Guides

Next > 7. Implementation: Putting the Evaluation Plan to Work



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This page last updated 2/14/06