Digital Community Quilt Project
Overview Quilts have symbolized American culture for over two centuries. They represent the diversity of people, places, ideas, and events from every area of the country. In this project, classes celebrate that diversity by creating a digital patch to be used in the creation of an online digital quilt.
Project Summary
Are your students aware of the uniqueness of their own community and local area? This project seeks to expand that awareness while providing classes opportunities to learn about other communities.
Each participating class will create a "digital patch" (picture file) depicting things representative of their community (i.e., landmarks, resources, historical events, etc.). A text file describing the patch (and their community) will accompany the digital patches. The digital patches will be incorporated into a digital quilt displayed on the project's website. The patches will be linked to a web page containing an enlarged patch and the class narrative. To encourage interaction among participating classes, teachers' e-mail addresses will be included in the narrative.
A confirmation e-mail will be sent to participating classes.
Grade Level - K-8
Project Objectives
This project will create an opportunity for classes to research and report on various aspects of their communities.
Community History, American History, Social Studies, Language Arts, Technology

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Updated 06/19/02