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Beyond the Bells and Whistles:
Is Your Website Universally Accessible?
This presentation (html) addresses how the IDEA impacts planning for diverse learners with particular emphasis on designing barrier-free websites.

Beyond PowerPoint: Effective Use of Technology in Professional Development
Familiar and emerging technologies can be powerful tools to use for designing, delivering, and evaluating professional development. This session provides the opportunity to learn more about how to effectively utilize technology. A variety of applications will be explored as we examine matching appropriate technology tools to professional development needs. Presentation Notes Handout (PDF - 2.07MB)

Technology Use in After-school Programs
Presentations from the NC 21st Century Community Learning Centers Regional Institute include aligning programs with the NC Standard Course of Study, guiding principles of 21st Century Learning Skills, and resources after-school programs can use to achieve program goals.

Top Ten Things You Can Do To Improve Your Technology Program (html)
A presentation by Elizabeth Byrom, SEIR*TEC Program Director, from the 2005 Southwest Leadership Academy, a professional development event hosted by ISTE and WestEd on Systemic School Improvement through Technology Integration. Presentation Notes Handout (PDF - 210k)

Using Handheld Technology to Improve Literacy Skills
This workshop will introduce you to features, software, and strategies that can be used by teachers and students to improve reading and writing across the curriculum. Ebooks, word processing, dictionaries, thesauri, digital recorders, digital cameras, flashcards, quizzes, concept maps, notetaking, online research, outlining, journaling, collaborative learning for students, rubrics, assessment, diagnosis, record management, and more for teachers--all in the palm of your hand!

Writing Winning Grant Proposals
Learn to look at your grant proposal through the lens of a reviewer and focus on the components that can make your proposal a winner. View Presentation (html), proposal writing tip sheet (PDF - 20k), or handouts on developing a grant proposal (PDF - 98k).

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This page last updated 6/5/07