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Grants & Funding

General Grants
Ed Grants Forecast
This document lists virtually all programs and competitions under which the U.S. Department of Education has invited applications for new awards as well as actual or estimated award amounts and deadline dates for receipt of applications. 
eSchool News Funding Center
This site provides tips on technology funding, and information on on grant programs and funding sources for K-12 education.
Federal Register
Lists Notices Inviting Applications for grants to be awarded by the U.S. Department of Education. allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies. is THE single access point for over 900 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies.

Kathy Schrock's Grant Sources for Educators
Kathy's list of resources and links for locating and learning about funding opportunities for teaching and learning.

Money Matters
The U. S. Department of Education provides a variety of information related to funding opportunities, including introductory articles, writing tips, and grant notices.

This site lists federal, state, and foundation grant opportunities benefiting K-12 schools, educators, and students. Also find proposals writing tips and other information to help your proposal- writing process.

Technology & Learning
Searchable database of current grant and contest opportunities for educators.

Technology Connections | Funding for Technology
By MCREL, this site provides reports, articles, bibliographies, strategies, grant/proposal writing, and funding sources.

US Department of Ed Grant Information
Important grants information for new and experienced grant seekers at the Department of Education.

Specific Grants
Alpha Grants Program
The AlphaGrants Program is designed to help K-12 schools implement classroom technology solutions that improve the teaching and learning environment in math, science, and language arts.

Bell South Foundation
Promotes improved student outcomes in elementary and secondary education through systemic grant-making programs targeting the Southeastern US. Provides criteria and restrictions as well as an online application form.

Best Buy te@ch Program
This program rewards schools that make learning fun by integrating interactive technology into the curriculum. The te@ch program awards a $2,500 Best Buy Gift Card to selected schools.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Education grants are divided into three categories: 1) Professional Development - designed to promote leadership in the district, school and classroom; 2) School and District Grants - Recognizes high-achieving schools and districts; and 3) Scholarship Programs - Aides in removing financial barriers to higher education.

Cisco Systems, Inc. Education Programs
Education Empowerment Program for qualifying K-12 schools can receive products and services at approximately $10,000.

HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative
This initiative is designed to support the innovative use of mobile technology in K-16 education, and to help identify K-12 public schools and two- and four-year colleges and universities that HP might support with future grants.

Microsoft Unlimited Potential (UP)
This is a global initiative designed to help narrow the technology skills gap and aid global workforce development by providing technology skills through Community-Based Technology and Learning Centers (CTLCs).

National Endowment for the Humanities
NEH provides grants to individuals and institutions. Grants support programs for research in the humanities as well as educational opportunities for teachers. Check the "Match an Idea to a Program" link to find a grant opportunity that best suits your project or program.

National Science Foundation Funding Index
The National Science Foundation promotes and advances scientific progress in the United States by competitively awarding grants and cooperative agreements for research and education in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. NSF 2004 Grant Proposal Guide.

Proposal Writing Tools
Using Needs Assessment to Build a Strong Case for Funding (powerpoint presentation)
This presentation will provide strategies and tips on how to conduct needs assessment to build a strong case for funding. The presentation is for anyone who is applying for technology grants. A set of seven surveys designed to assess the schools’ technology status and stakeholders’ perspectives on the use of technology in teaching and learning from school faculty, students, parents, administrators, technology coordinators, and business and community members.

Writing Winning Grant Proposals for Technology - Learn to look at your grant proposal through the lens of a reviewer and focus on the components that can make your proposal a winner using the following materials developed for a recent workshop at the Alabama Education Technology Conference.


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This page last updated 2/19/07